Madoka Magica Sprite Set?!

Yo, minna! Neku* here, bringing you something that I’ve conjured up the past days.

I like pixels, and I don’t know whether or not pixels like me, but hopefully they do because I ended up making some sprites for Madoka Magica! Um, yeah, it’s a weird obsession I know…

i wanna be a magical girl yo

but being meguca is suffering

anyway yay i made some meduka meguca– I meant Madoka Magica sprites! So far, I have Madoka Kaname, Akemi Homura, and Sayaka Miki! I’ll make Kyoko Sakura and Mami Tomoe later on 🙂


Please do not take credit! I worked pretty hard on these.

Until next time, sayounara!


Natsumi Dragneel Head!

Yo, minna! Neku* here, bringing you a long awaited head..

ok maybe not

But here, I present to you, the Natsumi Dragneel head!

If you haven’t seen Hiro Mashima’s official art for the genderbent Natsu, then here you go:


And I’ve made a head that looks a bit like it~!

edit: I forgot to mention this head was done completely by scratch, whoops.

Please save this image as a .png file or it will not work! When uploading, please be sure NOT to click set transparency just in case. Please give credit to me, Neku* Cruxis, on Graal Era, Classic, and Zone! I’m looking forward to feedback 🙂

Upload here!
GraalOnline Classic
GraalOnline Era


Until the next update;


– Neku*